Facts about Yellow Patches in Lawns from Landscaping Experts in Simpsonville

In order to keep your lawn green throughout the year, proper maintenance is required which can be done by the homeowners themselves or by hiring professionals. There are various reasons behind yellow patches in an otherwise green lawn and today our discussion will center around this.
Being a resident of the Simpsonville region in South Carolina, you can approach the well-acclaimed Curb Appeal Lawn Care for professional lawn care services. Some of our services include mowing, weed eating, edging and blowing; hedge trimming; mulch and pine needles; aerating and seeding; landscaping Simpsonville and more. It is just a matter of a call and the professionals will visit your doorstep and carry out the task on their hands without any hassle on your part.

If you notice yellow patches, firstly, take a closer look to check if the tips of the grass are yellow but the rest of the leaf blade is green. This can be attributed to usage of lawn mowers with dull blades that has torn your grass, leaving the edges frayed thus causing the tips to yellow. It is advisable to have the blades of your lawn-mower sharpened or replaced.
Contrarily, if the whole blade of grass is yellowing, you need to investigate a bit deeper to find the suitable reason.

Deficiency of Nutrients- The most important nutrients for a lawn include iron and nitrogen which could be lacking. A quick solution to it is adding a fertilizer to your lawn that is rich in these vital components which will help your yard regain its color in a few days. It is important to follow the instructions on the packet as nitrogen in excess can also turn the grass yellow.

Extended Heat- The grass can dry out and lose color in the face of extended periods of heat that can happen in just a few days depending on your grass and how hot it gets. This could be indicative of your lawn’s root structure being shallow. Adding water to your yard can help to get the color back into your yard. But the best way to tackle the problem is by tackling the cause which you can achieve by encouraging your grass to root deeply. To do this water deeply but less frequently.

Chemicals- Your yard can easily turn yellow through petrol or other chemical spills. If you use a petrol lawnmower then you should fill it up away from the grass. If you’ve accidentally spilled petrol on the yard, make sure to clean up the spillage as quickly as possible and flood the area with water to dilute the fuel.

Short Grass- Cutting the grass too short can turn it yellow which can be attributed to the grass not getting enough moisture. Allow your grass to grow longer and provide it with sufficient water to grow. Raise the cutting height of your lawn-mower when mowing your lawn.

Equipment used in Backyard- The grass might turn yellow around yard furniture swings or other areas of the garden which can be attributed to soil compaction. Aerating is the only way that can fix soil compaction which can be done using an aerator or by plunging a garden fork into the ground in regular intervals.

Professionals are always there for you whenever you need help. Contact Curb Appeal Lawn Care on 864-399-9185 to hire our services.
