One can easily maintain a great looking lawn without overdoing it which can be done just by following a few tricks.
If you are proficient, you yourself can take care of your lawn but going for professionals is also a good option. If you belong to the Simpsonville region in South Carolina, you can go for Curb Appeal Lawn Care for professional lawn care Simpsonville services. Some of our services include mowing, weed eating, edging and blowing; hedge trimming; mulch and pine needles; aerating and seeding; landscaping and more.
Valuable yard care tricks to follow:
Mowing- Mowing is an important aspect in lawn care. Mowing correctly can lead you to having a turf that’s healthy, drought-tolerant and thick enough to crowd out weeds. Mow incorrectly, and your lawn will struggle to survive. You should not remove more than one-third of the total leaf surface area with each mowing. Keep your mower blades sharp to get the best results from each mowing. A sharp blade cuts grass cleanly but a dull blade tears grass blades, creating a jagged, uneven edge. These tears create openings for pests and diseases to enter the grass blades. Additionally, adjust the mower height throughout the growing phase. Mow when your grass is dry. Mowing a wet lawn doesn’t harm the grass, but it doesn’t yield the best results and wet grass fills and clogs a mower deck.
Scalping Yard- Do not scalp grass which means cut it too short as a scalped yard is vulnerable to diseases and weeds.
Mow in Shade- There are no two ways about mowing being an important aspect in lawn care but pruning a plant causes stress and grass is no different. Mowing creates tremendous stress on grass plants. Mowing during the heat of the day causes grass plants to lose more water compared to mowing during the cooler part of the day. You can wait until shade as grass in the shade loses less water when cut and quickly rebounds.
Grasscycling- Grasscycling is the act of allowing grass clippings to remain on the lawn after mowing to return nutrients back to the soil. It is both cost-effective and time-effective. Grass clippings provide up to 25% of your yard’s fertilizer needs. For the task, a specialized mulching mower blade isn’t required, but it is advisable to replace your latest mower blade with a mulching blade, which will cut grass into smaller pieces that will decompose more quickly. You can also purchase an adaptor kit for your mower to avoid being sprayed with grass clippings while mowing.
Mowing Pattern- Avoid mowing in the same direction or pattern each time you mow as it risks compacting soil and creating ruts which can lead to less healthy grass followed by weeds that thrive in compacted soil.
Mowing on Slopes- It is important to be careful while mowing on a slope. Never mow a slope when grass is wet as it creates slippery footing that can lead to serious injuries. A safe slope mowing practice is to push the mower across the slope, not up and down. It is easier to cut grass with a string trimmer on a short or small slope.
Compost Clippings- The method of grasscycling gives the best result with grass that’s mowed frequently and when only one-third of the grass blade length has been removed. If you want to grasscycle a turf that’s grown too long, you’ll have to first cut it, and secondly rake out the clippings and mow again over them to chop them finely.
Hope, you find these tips to be useful. For more information, contact Curb Appeal Lawn Care on 864-399-9185.
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