How Can You Cut Down On Your Yard Care Expenses?

Here are some tips that can help you save the most money possible when it comes to caring for your lawn:

Avoid Mowing Too Short- You might be inclined towards chopping your grass down to avoid mowing for the rest of the month. But, avoid that since mowing too short is the best way to ruin your lawn. Never mow shorter than 2-3 inches.

When it comes to lawn care, you can either do it yourself or can go for professional lawn mowing Simpsonville services.

Use A Mulching Lawnmower- A mulching lawnmower takes grass and chops it up into tiny pieces, leading to the creation of this fine green mulch that gets spread on the yard as one moves along. The best thing about this is that the finely chopped grass quickly breaks down and provides nutrients for the existing grass.

Plant Perennials And Shade Trees- Better you choose perennials instead of annuals if you want flowers around your home since they grow every single year without the need to purchase replacement plants every year. With planting shade trees, you won't get immediate results. You need to have patience until they grow tall enough to begin casting shade on your house, which will eventually reflect in your energy bills because shade trees make a huge difference in cost of cooling your home during the summer season because of their ability to block a lot of direct sunlight from hitting your house. Experts recommend planting shade trees in places where they will block the summer sun's rays.

Don't Water Too Often- Avoid giving your yard more than 1-2 inches of water each week. You also need to ensure that your sprinkler system isn't wasting water. If you hire professionals, they'll run sprinkler audits and use technologies to save you an average of 18-20 percent on usage of water. Set your mower blade to the highest setting to ensure the grass remains as tall as possible and preserves water down near the ground. As we've already mentioned, things will dry out down near the ground if you cut your grass short.

Maximize Fertilization- Lawn care professionals recommend fertilizing three times a year: mid-summer, fall and spring. Do follow the fertilizer instructions since fertilizing the wrong way can lead to a bunch of unnecessary repair costs in the long run.

Utilize Your Foliage- Planting your trees strategically so that they shade your lawn can prevent grass damage. Also, make the most of your shrubs and plants in ways that replace grassy regions to reduce your watering costs.

Hire a lawn care professional in Simpsonville so that you can be sure to place your yard into qualified hands. Taking care of your yard doesn't mean you have to break your bank. Cut corners wisely and without having to compromise on the greenery.
