Have you ever thought what makes a
perfect lawn? Firstly, it should be lush green and never squelchy and sodden. Secondly,
it should be free of weeds. Only when these two are there one can enjoy an
ideal and healthy lawn.
5 secrets to a perfect lawn
- Simply dreaming of a neat and green garden will not suffice. To have it one needs to put in a lot of effort and dedication. Below are some secrets to enjoy a perfect and beautiful lawn. These are as follows,
- Prevent scalping the lawn- To cut the lawn really short will save one more time amid cuttings yet doing so will burn the grass which will leave behind ugly brown marks on the lawn. The trick here is, do not reduce the grass height by above 1/3rd while mowing. In fact the grass utilizes its additional length in absorbing the sun for growing into a plant that is really healthy.
- Sharpen the blades- Always ensure in sharpening the mower blades for achieving the smoothest cut. This is important because dull blades are likely to tear the grass instead of slicing it, thereby leaving behind jagged brown lines at the tip of the grass that has been cut. In case one is unsure as to whether their blades are enough sharp, they can simply look for the brown line following a fresh cut. For best results sharpen the blades from a hardware store, mower mechanic or an authorized dealer.
- Recycle grass clippings- Along with saving time and energy, leaving clippings behind on the lawn post mowing will add up vital nutrients back to the soil after they decompose. The best part is if one has the right mowing height set, automatically the clippings will break down quickly.
- Invest in a good fertilizer- Having a fertilizer that is well balanced is a great step towards brightening and thickening a lawn. Fertilizing unlike watering is suggested four times a year yet this can create wonders for the lawn. For the safety of pets and kids, it is best to use an organic fertilizer which is free from harmful pesticides and insecticides. The good news is pets and kids can play right away after application.
· Most lawns do not require a massive overhaul to appear beautiful. For those who wish to keep their lawn looking amazing with minimal fuss it is best to hire professional lawn care services in Simpsonville SC. A perfect lawn is something that every homeowner dreams of. With the help of these services one can keep their lawn looking spic and span all year long. Often people think that maintaining an ideal lawn is likely to create havoc both on the environment and on their wallet. Unfortunately, not all has the time in keeping their lawn perfect. That is why professional services are necessary as the experts here will ensure that one’s lawn receives the exact treatment it requires all season long.
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