DIY Lawn Care Mistakes And Ways To Avoid Them In Simpsonville

The lawn at your home can be a good place for your children to play, your family members to sit together and enjoy the calmness of nature and a green way of relaxing. With regular care and few simple measures you can keep your lawn lush and beautiful. When it comes to do-it-yourself lawn care, the best of us fail. Most homeowners due to lack of time are unable to ensure total lawn care and maintenance but the solution to this can be achieved by going for the professional lawn care service providers. If you are a resident of Simpsonville, approach the acclaimed Curb Appeal Lawn Care in South Carolina for Simpsonville lawn care services. Some of the services provided by us include lawn mowing, weed eating, edging and blowing; aerating and seeding; hedge trimming and landscaping; mulching and pine needles. Our professionals use natural fertilizers, bio friendly equipments, and beneficial plants to make your yard and home’s facade look healthy and attractive. It is just a matter of a call and the professionals would visit your place and take care of all your lawn care needs. 

If you have the required expertise and are planning on taking care of your own yard, be careful to avoid a few common mistakes that can destroy the look and health of your landscape. Read on to know more:

Over Watering- Resist the urge to shower your lawn with water especially when it is still raining outside. Over watering can drown your emerging lawn in addition to being wasteful and running up your water bill. 

Solution: You should water three times a week for around 40 minutes which should be less frequent if there had been rain or it is still raining.

Over Fertilizing- Do not overdo it when it comes to fertilizing your lawn because every lawn has its fertilizer tolerance. 

Solution: To plan a fertilization schedule, get in touch with Curb Appeal Lawn Care.

Rolling Your Lawn- Most homeowners are tempted to smooth out bumpy lawns with a roller prior to the onset of the spring season. But the fact is it is not good for the lawn’s base. Compacted soil can inhibit the growth of grass and becomes too tight to hold water, eventually leading to runoff problems. 

Solution: Go for professional aeration services to open up the soil.

Seeding Early- With the departure of the winter season, patches of the lawns look faded. With the grasses not returning as nicely as hoped by you, you may feel the temptation to plant spring seeds. But avoid doing that because it is not the right time, seeds are actually most responsive in the fall. 

Solution: Turn to a professional who will treat the bare spots in your lawn effectively thus preventing crabgrass growth in addition to proper maintenance of the overall health of your lawn over the summer season.

Mowing Too Short- Be careful with your mowing. Do not cut off the crown of the grass as it may inhibit growth. It causes stress to the grass leading to outbreaks of weeds and disease. 

Solution: A minimum grass length of 3.5 inches should be maintained. 

The Clippings- Clippings including leaves and trimmings have nutrients that are extremely good for the soil so do not throw the clippings away and deprive your soil of essential nitrogen. 

Solution: Mulch your clippings back into the soil.

Approach Curb Appeal Lawn Care in Simpsonville for our cost-effective lawn care services and get the best results. Call us on 864-399-9185 for more information. Our vision is to provide lawn care and other curb appeal services in every residential and commercial place of Simpsonville and then in entire South Carolina in future.
