A Few Landscaping Errors to Avoid for Homeowners in Simpsonville

Landscaping is one of the best ways of lawn care maintenance which you should carry on with on a regular basis. You can either do it yourself or can go for expert lawn care providers like Curb Appeal Lawn Care in Simpsonville. Some of our services include lawn mowing, weed eating, edging and blowing; aerating and seeding; hedge trimming and landscaping Simpsonville; mulching and pine needles. It is just a matter of a call and the professionals would visit the doorstep and carry out the task. 

If you are a beginner, learning how not to landscape the yard is a good first step. Although, you will eventually want to find out all the details behind the right way to design your yard.
There are a few landscaping errors that should be avoided. Most of these errors are not catastrophic. Nonetheless, it's often the little things that add up to make or break a landscape design, so it behooves you to avoid these mistakes.

Making Judgments Regarding the Use and Selection of Mulch
Decisions regarding mulch selection and the use of mulch in the landscape are very complex than they might at first appear. There’s a lot that can go wrong here which can have a damaging effect on plants. A type of mulch that's perfectly good for use around many plants can be a lousy choice around certain others. For instance, do not apply pine needles as a mulch in a bed where you may be growing creeping thyme. It is a big mistake. Winds will keep blowing the pine needles into the creeping thyme, where they would become hopelessly entangled, thus spoiling the looks of the thyme ground cover.

Also, avoid using mulch comprising of tiny stones which can be even worse in this regard. 

Employing Ground Covers that carry out their Job Really Well
As the name suggests, "ground covers" stay relatively low and are supposed to cover ground in your landscape that would otherwise be full of weeds. Select a ground cover that is dynamic, something that will spread out and fill in the area. Selecting the optimal ground cover is more complex than simply choosing one that grows robustly and looks pretty. For example, many homeowners have come to regret planting English ivy, discovering too late its tendency to get out of hand.

Pruning the Shrub at the Wrong Time
There is a proper time to prune the shrubs. Do not prune according to whim. Go through articles on “when to prune shrubs”.

Mismanaging the Lawn
Common mistakes revolving around lawn includes:
1.      Simply having too big a lawn
2.      Failing to install a mowing strip to make mowing easier
3.      Dotting the lawn with planting circles that you then have to mow around
We are talking about these mistakes because the lawn is often a poster child for how not to landscape a yard. 

Going for Planting Messy Trees
This is quite subjective as a "nuisance" to one person may be "just nature" to another. There are no two ways about the fact that there will be some "litter" in the landscape as a result of having trees. The only kind of tree that is totally mess-free is an artificial one. Some trees are relatively mess-free like Sunburst honey locust. 

  A few of the messiest trees include:
        I.            Ginkgo biloba
      II.            Sweetgum
    III.            Pine

Following the above-mentioned tips can help you in efficiently avoiding landscape errors. For lawn care services, contact the acclaimed Curb Appeal Lawn Care on 864-399-9185. With splash of color through proper arrangement of grass, flowers, and plants, we make your pathways and driveways inviting and appealing. We are interested in keeping a long lasting homely relationship with you by making your lawn care a grand success for each year to come.
