Basic Lawn Care Tips for Homeowners in Simpsonville, SC

Having a lawn is not enough, taking care of it is as much essential. Keeping a regular maintenance routine can help you avoid having a dull, weed infested lawn ever again! You can either call for the professionals or can do it yourself if you have the required expertise.

For lawncare in Simpsonville, you can hire the services of the acclaimed Curb Appeal Lawn Care. Some of the services include mowing, weed eating, edging and blowing; hedge trimming; mulch and pine needles; aerating and seeding; landscaping and so forth. Along with the above-mentioned lawn care solutions, our services also include:

1.      Commitment
2.      Never over-booking, so we get the work done on time
3.      Highly affordable price
4.      Amazing customer service
5.      Recurring Services
6.      Consultation on site & over telephone
It is just a matter of a call and the professionals will visit your doorstep and carry out the required task without any kind of hassle.

Some of the yard maintenance tips:
Remove Weed, Thatch and Moss- Weeds can appear anywhere as there are so many ways they can be brought into the garden, by birds flying over, pets and other animals roaming across the grass or even on your clothing and footwear. What you can do is pull out the whole weed, roots included which can be done by hand or using a tool. Thatch, on the other hand is a layer of organic matter that can build up between the leaves and the soil, consisting of dead leaves, grass and root stems. Thatch accumulation can create a blockage, preventing essential moisture and nutrients from penetrating the soil and down to the roots. The best solution to remove thatch is with a process called scarification, which is the process of raking and removing mulch from the lawn. Mosses are non-flowering plants that can cause the worst of yard problems. It is mainly clay within the soil, shade, poor drainage, drought and high quantities of thatch that allows for mosses to grow. So, you need to reduce the cause for the problem in order to remove the moss.

Aerate- The process of aeration allows better penetration of air and water to the root zone of the grass, which is essential for gaining the right nutrients to grow. It is a good way to manage yards that are affected by drought or water-logging.

Mowing and Edging- Mowing is integral to lawn maintenance and it is important to only remove one third of the grasses length when mowing your yard. Borders and edges can also be maintained and tidied using a half moon edging tool or edging shears after mowing.

Watering- Watering is essential to all yards as a turf lacking water will start to change color and loose its spring, causing the grass to stay flat if walked on. The frequency of watering depends on the type of soil and weather conditions in your location. To get the best results, it is advisable to water the lawn at the beginning of the day in cooler temperatures.

Over-seeding- This rejuvenates tired and worn out lawns by covering the entire space with large quantities of seed mixed with fertilizer. Use spreaders to help get an even distribution of seeds.
To hire the services of Curb Appeal Lawn Care in Simpsonville, call on 864-399-9185.
