Popular Lawn Care Myths Busted By Simpsonville Yard Care Providers

Caring for your yard is an essential part of warm weather landscaping, but figuring out the best way to do it can sometimes feel like a challenge. It certainly is difficult to keep your grass lush, green, and perfectly manicured, especially with temperamental weather and other factors playing their part. One thing that makes it even more challenging to maintain a beautiful yard is myths about their care. We’re debunking some popular myths below in order for you to not inadvertently make these mistakes on your yard this season.

For Simpsonville lawn care services, don’t look beyond the acclaimed Curb Appeal Lawn Care in the region. Mowing, weedeating, edging and blowing; hedge trimming; mulch and pine needles; aerating and seeding; pooper scooping; landscaping are some of our services.

Myth 1: Evening is the best time to water your yard than morning.
While many believe watering in the evening is better than the morning, morning is actually better as watering grass in the evening may prompt the growth of fungus by allowing water to cling to the blades. The ideal time for watering is between four and ten in the morning as the temperatures are usually low enough to keep water from evaporating too quickly.

Myth 2The less you’ll have to mow the shorter the grass you cut.
Many believe that cutting their yard short means that there’ll be less need to mow throughout the season. This isn’t true, however as cutting grass blades too short allows easier access to the dirt below, meaning the hot sun penetrates the roots, which can lead to faster growth, browning, weed infestation, or an uptick of insects.

Myth 3: Leaving lawn clippings will create unwanted thatch.
Since grass clippings are made of 75-80 percent of water, so this is another of the many debunked myths. Furthermore, clippings are actually great for the health of your yard, as they add nitrogen to the soil and can save you time and money in fertilization.

Myth 4: Spring is the best time to plant grass seed.
It’s natural that many assume spring to be the best time to plant grass seed since spring is the typical growing season. However, this isn’t always the case. You may want to wait until the fall depending on what grass type you’re planting. We can cite the example of a tall fescue which is best suited for fall planting as it needs time to ramp up before being exposed to harsh heat.

Myth 5: For best results, you should water daily.
Watering your yard daily doesn’t necessarily equate to a lush and healthy lawn. The amount of water required by your lawn depends on several factors such as grass type, air temperature, and soil type. It’s better that you rely on infrequent and deep irrigation instead of frequent and short watering options, which is because longer watering allows the roots more hydration, keeping them healthier and diminishing the risk of disease.

Myth 6: Wearing spiked shoes allows to easily aerate your lawn.
It’s believed that wearing spiked shoes while mowing allows you to easily aerate a lawn as you cut it, but this practice doesn’t have quite the desired effect as these shoes impact too small of an area all at once and actually work to further compact soil. Aerating the yard the right way takes some manual labor.

It should be noted that caring for your lawn takes a lot of work, so stay away from these commonly believed myths to easily keep your lawn looking great and green. For lawn care services in Simpsonville in SC, contact Curb Appeal Lawn Care on 864-399-9185.
