Keep These Tips In Mind When Watering Your Lawn

 Proper watering is crucial to having the greenest and lush lawn on the block. Too little water can cause the grass to shrivel up and die, whereas watering in excess will cause the grass to become over-saturated, ultimately killing it. Again the grass roots will not grow deeply enough when you water too lightly, thus setting up your yard for trouble when hot weather hits. Watering a lawn may seem like an easy task, but for most homeowners when and how to water- without watering too much- can be confusing.

Natural lawn care might necessitate help from professionals, and Curb Appeal Lawn Care in Simpsonville SC can be your natural lawn care management company.

Here are some tips to help you water your lawn like a pro:

Water in the morning- Watering in the morning (before 10 a.m.) is the best time for your lawn, as not only will cooler temperatures and calm breezes help keep evaporation to a minimum, watering in the morning hours will also keep the yard cooler during the hottest parts of the day, which means less stress on the grass. If you must water in the evening, do so between 4 and 6 p.m. - it will give the grass blades time to dry before nightfall. The later you water, and you are setting up the perfect conditions for disease to take hold.

Water Deeply and Less Frequently- When watering an established lawn, make sure to water long enough to moisten the soil down to about 6-8 inches to encourage the grass roots to grow down deep into the soil. Deep roots ensure healthy and green grass. Most lawns require 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to soak the soil that deeply. Either apply the given amount of water at one single go or divide into two waterings during the week. Be careful to not to over-water your lawn. Water longer but less frequently, which will ensure deep roots that means lawns can better withstand periods of drought.

Watering Different Lawn Types- The amount of time to water lawn varieties and how to care for the different types will depend on factors, including the season, the zone you are in and very importantly the type of grass you are growing. It is extremely important that you pay attention to the type of lawn that is growing, since the watering and overall care needs vary from lawn to lawn. Once you know how much to water a specific lawn type, it is easy to set a schedule that will give lawns ideal amount of water all season long to quench its thirst.

Remember, warm-season grass types like zoysia and bermuda require less water than cool-season grasses, such as bluegrass, fescue and rye. How frequently you’ll need to water will depend on where you live because of differences in rainfall and summer weather conditions. Grass will need the most water in conditions of heat, drought, low humidity, and high winds.

It is equally important that you choose a watering solution that works best for you and your lawn in view of the various ways to water your lawn ranging from sprinklers (pulsating sprinklers- water guzzlers, hose-end sprinklers, in-ground sprinklers), to smart watering solutions (most smart watering systems integrate with in-ground sprinkler systems).

Common mistakes when watering your lawn:

1.      Considering any and every sprinkler to be okay for your lawn (consider your lawn’s size and shape in choosing the best sprinkler for the space).

2.      Overlooking or ignoring the needs of your grass.

3.      Watering at the wrong time.

4.      Watering the wrong amount (do not water every day unless watering newly planted grass seed). You should ideally water once or twice per week, for about 25 to 30 minutes each time.

Call Curb Appeal Lawn Care on 864-399-9185. We can help you with all your natural lawn care needs in Simpsonville, SC.
